A study has found that an average of 1 out of every 3 veterans is reported to have at least one diagnosed mental health disorder. It’s also reported that there are approximately 16.5 million veterans in the U.S. today.
If you’re wondering why online therapy is important for veterans, keep reading for more information below.
What types of mental health concerns are most common among veterans?
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- Depression.
- Anxiety.
- Suicidality.
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI).
- Substance use disorder (SUD).
This list is just a few of the most common mental health concerns among veterans, but not an exhaustive list.
Why is it important for veterans to have access to online therapy?
- To increase access — One of the reasons why it’s important for veterans to have access to online therapy is that it eliminates several of the obstacles that in-person therapy might present. There is no need for transportation, it can be done from the comfort of one’s own home, and it doesn’t require in-person interaction. It’s generally a more convenient form of therapy, especially in new environments that uniquely affect veterans.
- To decrease the impact of stigma — There is significant stigma around seeking help for mental health problems. Offering this treatment online provides a private alternative for veterans who may not want to travel to a therapy clinic or be seen going into a therapist’s office.
- To make symptoms more manageable — Online therapy can help make mental health conditions easier to manage day to day for veterans. Therapists are specially trained to help patients learn how to develop healthier coping skills. Coping skills are tools that can be used to de-escalate stressful situations. By learning coping skills, the symptoms of mental health conditions can often feel more manageable. Virtual sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions, and both can result in improved mental health. It’s important to make online therapy accessible to veterans especially because such a large number deal with serious mental health concerns.
- To improve their quality of life — One of the primary goals of therapy is to help a person improve their quality of life. Veterans often deal with mental health conditions like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. These conditions often make life less enjoyable. Online therapy may be a beneficial resource for veterans managing these kinds of mental health conditions. Online therapy provides convenient and private access to mental health care providers who can teach veterans how to cope with their symptoms and how to improve interpersonal relationships. These are the tools they might benefit from using to improve their quality of life. It’s important to make online therapy accessible to our country’s veterans to make their lives more comfortable.
Valor Healthcare wants to provide our community’s veterans with quality and accessible online therapy
Valor Healthcare is a veteran-founded healthcare organization. We aim to provide whole healthcare services to veterans and other patriots. We are the largest contracted provider of outpatient healthcare services for veterans and take pride in delivering world-class services. We were one of the first community-based outpatient clinics to be accredited for ambulatory care by the Joint Commission and continue to focus on quality across all our lines of business.
Valor Healthcare is a team made up of veterans and leading clinicians. We are passionate about making resources available to those who have served our country. Valor was first established in 2004, when an Army veteran and a Navy veteran joined together to create something they both believed in — good-quality outpatient care for veterans.
Interested in the types of services a veteran-focused health consultant company can provide? We specialize in each of the following:
- Outpatient clinic operations.
- Occupational health.
- Behavioral health.
- Population health.
- Value-added services.
Would you benefit from any of the services listed above? Are you a veteran who is interested in trying out online therapy to improve your quality of life? We understand the importance of providing mental health services to our country’s veterans. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for guidance. Valor Healthcare partners with public and private medical clinics in locations across the U.S. to bring high-quality healthcare to American veterans. If you are a healthcare professional, you can partner with us to give your patients access to data-driven, 21st-century care.