How to increase access into Veterans Affairs substance abuse programs

Of the 16.5 million veterans in the United States today, it’s estimated that 1 in every 10 have a substance use disorder. There are several types of substance abuse programs to help veterans across the full continuum of care. They all have the goal of helping veterans achieve recovery. However, not everyone who needs this type of assistance has access to these programs.

To learn ways to encourage veterans to become involved in the Veterans Affairs substance abuse programs, keep reading.

What are ways to get veterans involved in the Veterans Affairs substance abuse programs if they need them?

Valor Healthcare wants to encourage veterans to reach out to the Veterans Affairs substance abuse programs if they need it

Valor Healthcare is a veteran-founded healthcare organization. We aim to provide whole healthcare services to veterans and other patriots. We are the largest contracted provider of outpatient healthcare services for veterans and take pride in delivering world-class services. We were one of the first community-based outpatient clinics to be accredited for ambulatory care by the Joint Commission and continue to focus on quality across all our lines of business. 

We’re a team made up of veterans and leading clinicians who are passionate about making resources available to those who have served our country. Valor was first established in 2004, when an Army veteran and a Navy veteran joined together to create something they both believed in — good-quality outpatient care for veterans. 

If you’re interested in the types of services a veteran-focused health consultant company can provide, we specialize in each of the following:

  • Outpatient clinic operations.
  • Occupational health.
  • Behavioral health.
  • Population health.
  • Value-added services.

Do you or someone you know need substance abuse help? You can find the assistance you’re looking for from the Veterans Affairs website: Substance Use Treatment for Veterans | Veterans Affairs ( To educate yourself more about gaps in veteran substance abuse programs, read our article here. Valor Healthcare partners with public and private medical clinics to bring high-quality healthcare to American veterans. Partner with us to give your patients access to data-driven, 21st-century care.